Tuesday, January 18, 2005

I got nothing

So, as the title suggestions, I've got nothing to post. I mean, you compare my plastic wrap expose to this and you're basically making Jordan vs. Manute Bol references - the latter just can't compete with the former.

That said, I think I'm going to take a page from (read: rip off) one of my main commentors: Christiane. Anyhow, she had apparently ran out of Sapphire and was fighting withdrawel symptoms when she had come up with this "bored" list. I shall copy her (Sapphire and all):

*3 CD's you last listened to (or for those iPod freaks, first 3 songs if you shuffle):

Call me old fashioned, but I choose to actually listen to CDs ON my iPod; shuffling sucks - it always seems to find the worst songs in my collection that I would rather they just take up valuable hard drive space. Anyhow, here's my three CDs I've listened to on my iPod:

>>The Walkmen: Bows and Arrows; Green Day: American Idiot; The Killers: Hot Fuss

*The 3 books you read most recently (assuming ya'll are edumacated folk)

Well, since the release of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and Halo 2 (mostly Halo 2), I've been hard pressed to finish many books. However, even though I take about twice as long to finish them now, I still finish them. Mostly. My last three:

>> State of Fear, Michael Crichton (yes, I'm a Crichton whore - I can't help it.); The Plot Against America, Philip Roth; East of Eden, John Steinbeck.*

*3 blogs you read religiously (and spare me the whole "I only read 24Knits" crap. We all know it's true even if you don't say it)

This is going to sound either lame or full of shit. Maybe both. But believe it or not, here's my three I read everyday. And am usually feeling incredibly guilty because I know that they are updating their blogs, and I am not:

>> Fizzle and Pop. Collin. My first-ever non-related blog reader. What can I say? I love this guy. Not like that. "But not that there's anything wrong with that."

>> Son of Cheese. Derek. Works with Collin. I know. My immediate blogosphere is rather limited, but these guys crack me up. I can't help it.

>> 24Knits. Seriously. I do. Everyday. I have this unfulfilled need for ferret updates and fettered-away finger nail clippings.

Oh, and just for the hell of it, if you haven't yet caught Arrested Development on Fox, you are missing an incredibly funny show. Sure, you may have to miss that Desperate Housewives bullshit, but trust me. It's WAY better. Oh, and if you haven't, now's the perfect time to pick up the first season on eBay.

* So I never actually "finished" this one. Does this still qualify me as edumacated folk?


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