Thursday, December 16, 2004

Taken advantage of

That's me. Why, you ask?

One word:


I feel abused, like a kid being forced by a friend into stealing something, or someone accused me of a falsity and no one seems to believe me.

The Apprentice has just taken reality TV to a new low. As I am typing this, The Apprentice is midway through its third hour.

Read that last line again.

That's right. Three hours. There are only two things that should last three hours: movies (only if they're really good) and sporting events. Okay, okay...add operas and Broadway plays to the list. Football, "Return of the King," and "Les Miserables" yes. Reality TV? Never.

Perhaps you're wondering how exactly Donald Trump and Mark Burnett are filling a three hour block of time? Well, here you go:

Hour 1:
*Quick recap [commercial] of last week's contestant paring [commercial] to get to the final two [commercial].
*Last [commercial] project is [commercial] performed.
*Contestants argue in [commercial] [commercial] [commercial] front of Trump.

Hour 2:
*Trump sends [commercial] final [commercial] two out of the room [commercial]before he hires one of them. [commercial]
*Before [commercial] [commercial] [commercial] revealing who wins, the stage opens up to reveal that [surprise] it's [commercial] in front of an audience!
* Now Trump hires someone, right? Nope. Instead[commercial] he asks Regis Fucking Philbin on to [commercial][commercial][commercial][commercial] the stage to interview the major [commercial][commercial]advertisers on this [commercial][commercial] year's shows.
* Regis [commercial][commercial][commercial][commercial][commercial][commercial]asks other[commercial][commercial][commercial] people [commercial][commercial][commercial][commercial]who they like more
* Trump finally picks the dude

Hour 3:
* Gen[commercial]worth pimp[commercial]ing
* More [commercial] Genworth pimping
* Regis [commercial][commercial][commercial]Philbin
* Season [commercial][commercial]Recap
* Special appearence by the group [commercial]that sings that irritating fucking "Money [commercial] Money [commercial]Money"
* Special pimping of "The Contender"
* Recap [commercial] of the fights [commercial] this really needed? I mean, I understand that when you have something, you run with it, but this is stepping so far over the line that even the lovely SockMama's patience has run thin. Seriously. This is ridiculous.

No more. Three hours is insane. Seriously, what kind of ratings drop off do stupid self promo bullshit like this produce? Especially given personal video recorders.

Just for this, I will never watch another episode of "The (abusive) Apprentice."

The idea is great, but they've taken it WAY too far.

Fuck Trump and his money.


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