Thursday, December 16, 2004

As opposed to...?

At my place 'o' business, one of the account managers happens to be co-owner of a vodka company. That's about all I know. Well, that and the name of the vodka.

It's pretty special.

Original, in fact.


"Liquid Vodka"

That's it. "Liquid Vodka." Nothing else. What the hell? How did they settle on this one?

A: Well, let's
B:'s made from potatos...
A: about "Potato Vodka?"
B: That kind of implies the vodka is potato flavored
A: That's a good point...So...Vodka...
B: Well, it's distilled in Bend, Oregon...
A: Oh, I got it!
B: What? "Bend Vodka"?
A: How'd you-?
B: Nevermind. Back to vodka. What is vodka?
A: Well, it's made from potatoes
B: Right
A: And you, uh, drink it...
B: Well, hopefully [LAUGHTER ENSUES]


A: What about, fuck, I don't know..."Liquid Vodka"?
B: Brilliant.
A: Really?
B: Yes. See, it's liquid, right? [FEVERISHLY DRINKS FROM COFFEE CUP] Not solid, LIQUID! There's no way people will confuse for "Heavy" or "Chunky" or even "Semi-Solid!" I mean, who'd want to drink a vodka that was NOT liquid?! Brilliant!


Seriously? LIQUID Vodka? That's like naming a tire "Circle Tire" or a bag of coffee beans "Roasted Coffee Beans." The point is, ALL vodkas, regardless of where or how many times they are distilled, filtered, peed in or whatever, are LIQUID. Why in the world would you NAME your product something that inherrently makes it blend in with everything else in the category.


It doesn't even sound that they're trying to prove to me that their vodka is, indeed, liquid. Like this is a selling point for me. "Hmm...let's see...we have Absolut, Ketel One, Grey Goose...what's this? Liquid Vodka? Well, that must mean it's...LIQUID! Oh, I'm definately getting this one!"


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