Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Today was a Good Day

Ah...the immortal Ice Cube. Not as pungent as Ice T, but way cooler. Anyhow, that doesn't really relate to anything, except that it's 8:30 and I am in a pretty good mood, which will inevitabbly meet a horrible death in about 15 minutes. If I'm lucky, 20. So before that happens, I think we'll talk costumes. Yes, Halloween is coming, and as if stumbling around in a drunken stupor isn't embarassing enough, I'll have to do it dressed up as monster, zombie, cowboy or ketchup bottle.

Which is why I've been using the net to get ideas.

I could go with the superhero theme, I suppose, what with Batman kicking as in the theaters.

Maybe Wonderwoman, perhaps?

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Or Spiderman, maybe?

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Or maybe I drop the hero theme and do something creative. Something with class and taste.

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Fuck it. I'll just be a farmer.

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